Monday, May 10, 2010

Storage Finally Done!

Here it is, only took like 2 years with everything else in life getting in the way. Still need to make a couple of stops in the back of everything to keep things a little quieter, but overall I am very happy with it. Based on a slightly modified Tuffy box for a Jeep. Added cladding, built the mini storage compartment which holds 4(!) folding chairs. Then built the custom pull out shelf using slides from McMaster plus lots of aluminum and stainless fasteners. Finished it off with the different latches to hold things closed, and open. Really a stupid amount of work, but that's the way it goes.

Ridiculously cool Mac's Custom Tie Downs from Expedition Exchange

Custom door made from bits from McMaster Carr

The Fridge.


Custom made baby changing table.

The Dude. (Did you think I was kidding about the changing table?)

Lock to keep the shelf open when parked on a hill.

Lock to keep it from moving around while wheelin'

Close up.

The End.

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